
Year Experience

Our services

We offer fit-for-purpose services and software solutions and integrations that support the accelerating transition to Open Access (OA) for all stakeholders in the STM publishing industry. To be able to obtain and connect accurate information to make data-driven decisions, high-quality metadata and systems interoperability is crucial.

We help you map various systems to identify overlaps and connections using high-quality metadata and Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) to seamlessly integrate internal and external systems, making sure you will be able to retrieve the data you need to streamline your workflows.

Over the last 20+ years, we have developed, refined and implemented our own open source tools to support the workflows of publishers, institutions, consortia, and funders.


We are your technology partner in the transition to Open Access.

Information management

We map various systems to identify overlaps and connections using high-quality metadata.

Systems integration

We help you to seamlessly integrate internal and external systems and establish system interoperability.

Custom software development

We develop and customize software that matches your requirements and workflows.

Business analytics (BI)

We help you obtain business intelligence to align with and further develop your strategy.

Open Source tools

We have developed, refined and implemented our own open source tools including Publication Tracker.

Happy Customers

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Appetence tools

Open Source tools to support the workflows of publishers, institutions, consortia, and funders.

Publication Tracker

From submitted manuscript to published article

The transition to Open Access brings increased complexity to workflows, with events triggering a multitude of actions running in parallel. The workflow should support multi-currency transactions as well as the requirements of new actors such as institutions and funders, who might also play a role in the financial settlement.

The Publication Tracker is a user-friendly tool that serves as a versatile (meta)data repository for recording events in the publication cycle from editorial, production, and content distribution systems, along with financial or payment systems. Each event comes with metadata that will update the master record in the repository.

A critical aspect for the efficient functioning of the Publication Tracker is enhancing Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), which have grown significantly in importance. Deal assignment is closely linked to PID enrichment. For publishers, identifying if a manuscript or article falls under a deal is crucial, already at the submission stage. The Publication Tracker supports deal management and deal assignment for different business models and is a powerful tool providing reporting capabilities across all systems and workflows.

Publication Tracker Enterprise

Connect your publishing workflows

The Publication Tracker Enterprise links publishing workflows to fulfill the need for systems interoperability and high-quality metadata. This tool is based on an event-driven architecture in which inbound connectors prompt events, or events trigger outbound connectors based on pre-defined business rules.

Its architecture operates on events to enable communication between loosely connected services, systems, and workflows, with an event signaling a change in state or an update, such as the acceptance or publication of an article. An event-driven approach allows for the orchestration of an array of services and workflows beyond basic communication, ensuring a more comprehensive and efficient system.

A publisher typically operates various systems designed to address specific aspects of the overall publishing workflow. An event-driven architecture ensures the seamless interoperability among systems. Our Publication Tracker Enterprise not only embraces interoperability, but also centralizes metadata, allowing reporting across all systems and workflows.

Case Studies

Check out some of our awesome projects for our publishing clients.

About us

We are dedicated to advancing Open Science with the support of technology.

Established in 2019, Appetence is a specialized technology consultancy that aims to support the transition to Open Access. One of our first assignments was to facilitate integrations with the OA Switchboard. We have connected over 20 publishers so far. We are also a technology partner for the STM Integrity Hub. Through these partnerships, we have gained extensive experience and insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by OA.

Our work ethic revolves around agility, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency. With decades of industry experience, we have perfected our project workflow and earned a reputation for reliable planning. We adhere to best practices and operate efficiently, meeting all the necessary checks and balances. We deliver what we promised within the specified timeframe.

Our pillars

We incorporate cutting-edge technologies, such as AI, into our solutions.


By optimizing your systems architecture, we enable you to independently manage your systems to access the necessary data and reports that will inform your strategic decisions.


We work serverless, making our platforms scalable out-of-the-box. In addition, you only pay for the capacity and functionality you need, ensuring cost-efficiency.


We deliver what we promise.


We assist in alleviating the administrative burden resulting from the shift to open access.

Our leadership team

Ivo Verbeek
Co-founder, Director

"The world of STM publishing is constantly evolving and I have closely observed the growth of open access along with its challenges and opportunities. I am committed to making a meaningful impact on the shift towards open access through our services and solutions."

As a newly graduated business analyst, my initial role in 1998 was as a developer at CMG, a software services company. Back then, Yuri and I were both members of their 'internet team'. Shortly after the turn of the century, I noticed the rise of mobile internet, and together with my business partner at the time, we seized the opportunity to start a company that developed services for this emerging market.

One of our clients was Elsevier. Over the years, we collaborated on various projects such as CiteAlert, a contract-management system, and several ecommerce sites including the Webshop.

Our work evolved into author services, leading to the launch of Peerwith in 2015, which was when Yuri and I rekindled our professional relationship. Clients started to recognize our synergy, and we founded Appetence. Soon after, we secured the contract to be the OA Switchboard's technology partner.

In my free time, I like to experiment with the latest technologies such as large language models, and support my young daughters in their sports activities.

Yuri Vorontsov
Co-founder, Director

"I never envisioned myself becoming a technology consultant for STM publishing. Growing up in Russia, I wanted to be an anesthesiologist. During my academic journey, serendipity led me to the Netherlands, and subsequently, to a different career path. Captivated by the potential the internet offered, I became a developer. "

My mother instilled the importance of being courageous in me. So, after working at CMG, where I met Ivo, I set up Language Networks, the world's first marketplace for interpreters and translators, in 1999. Some years later, I became PeerWith's Chief Technology Officer. I was already familiar with the world of academia through my own studies, and this role aligned perfectly with my interests and passions. In 2019, Ivo and I established Appetence, which naturally evolved from our partnership.

As a business owner, I like to encourage team members to work in their own style and at their own pace, fostering independence and autonomy. This approach is reflected in our projects as well, as we aim to empower our clients to have control over their own systems.

When I'm not working, I enjoy sailing and photography.

Contact us

Interested? Let’s make something great together.

Stade de Colombes 33, 1098 VS
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

+31 (0)23 205 0048