Case study

OA Switchboard connectivity for 20+ publishers

As a certified integrator, we have connected more than 20 publishers to the OA Switchboard (OAS). Integration levels range from a custom connector only to a next level solution including multiple custom connectors, a private datastore and an upgrade to the Publication Tracker.

OA Switchboard connectivity

The OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, community led initiative designed to simplify the sharing of information between stakeholders about open access publications throughout the whole publication journey. Stakeholders include publishers, institutions and funders. Typically publishers are sending messages with the information, institutions and funders receive them.

Publishers want to provide automated and instantaneous publication alerts and reporting to stakeholders in all the (Open Access) articles they publish (specifically, authors' affiliated institution(s) and research funders acknowledged in the publication), and also deliver this in a standardised reporting (‘messaging’) protocol. This can be achieved via a Publication Notification (P1)-message scenario via the OA Switchboard (OAS).

At Appetence, we help publishers integrate with OA Switchboard. This ranges from a Custom Connector only to a serviced “Next level” solution including multiple Custom Connectors, Private Datastore and an upgrade to Publication Tracker.

  • When

    2020 - 2024

  • Client Name

    20+ publishers

From Custom Connector to Private Datastore

As a certified integrator we have helped 20+ publishers integrate with OA Switchboard. We developed a number of so-called Custom Connectors for these publishers. A Custom Connector connects publisher editorial system, production, content distribution or commerce systems with the OA Switchboard.

SciELO is one of the publishers we've worked with, and we're proud to have successfully connected another great name to the OA Switchboard. Of particular interest in this collaboration is that, for SciELO, we not only integrated their proprietary web services but also utilized Crossref Submission Report notifications to trigger P1 messages.

Other publishers we have helped integrate are PLOS and Hindawi. The shared objective for both parties was to report their publication metadata through the OA Switchboard. We provided assistance by creating a Custom Connector, which facilitates the transformation of JATS XML into OAS P1 message JSON format.

A Custom Connector lacks a persistent data layer, which can pose issues, particularly when combining asynchronous data feeds. For instance, sending P1-No Prior Agreement messages including individual article charges (e.g., the CCC data feed) becomes challenging. This is where a Private Datastore becomes valuable. The Private Datastore not only accepts multiple data feeds but also offers the advantage of compiling comprehensive article life cycle metadata. Moreover, it allows for outpund event generation and application of business rules before establishing a connection with the OA Switchboard.

The Royal Society and Microbiology Society are both early adopters of the OA Switchboard. They are making full use of Private Datastore capabilities with connectors to their editorial systems (ScholarOne, Editorial Manager), content distribution system (JATS) as well as their commerce system (CCC RL). Similar considerations applied to another publisher whom we assisted in integrating, employing an equivalent configuration, PNAS.

Next level solution, with Publication Tracker

The Private Datastore offers a versatile data repository that records events from various systems, including publisher editorial, production, content distribution, financial, and payment systems. Each event comes with its own metadata that updates the article master record in the store. As a result, the Private Datastore evolves into a Tool called the Publication Tracker - from submitted manuscript to published article. This upgrade offers comprehensive reporting capabilities across all your systems and workflows.

One of the most complete implementations featuring multiple Custom Connectors, a Private Datastore and the upgrade to Publication Tracker belongs to is Rockefeller University Press (RUP). We're extremely pleased to have this small yet professional and innovative publisher as our customer. A similar setup has been established for Life Science Alliance, with RUP being one of the participants. The upgrade to Publication Tracker for these clients covers application of business rules like transformation of data, and simple workflows such as ROR matching and Eligiblity workflow.

In recognition of Appetence’s role in shaping the technical solutions for publishers to connect to OA Switchboard over the years, and in successfully supporting implementation for many of our early adopters, OA Switchboard is able to refer publishers to them as ‘trusted solution provider’.